Order your copy of a great book about Vatnsdalsa, one of Icelands great rivers...
Vatnsdalsa is a classic salmon river flowing through one of the most stunning green glacial valleys in Iceland. It is known for its bigger fish, its famous Sea pool and its variety of species, which include salmon, sea-run Arctic char, sea trout as well as brown trout.
The 20 km of salmon water commences from the Dalfoss waterfall and flows down through rocky pools and canyons until it opens out about mid-river into larger more open, cut-bank pools. The river was once made famous by British salmon fishermen and author John Ashley-Cooper who leased the river every summer for many years.
See more here.
A very fine book has been published by two good freinds of Frontiers, Petur Petursson, who runs the river, and well-known Icelandic writer and photographer Einar Falur Ingolfsson. It was Einar who took the front cover of our current 2014 Newsletter which can be viewed here. The book covers the whole history of the river from way back, through John Ashley-Cooper's time all the way to present day. To order your copy click here or email Petur at petur@vatnsdalsa.is.
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