
Blog posts from january 2016



News Release

January 6, 2015

Laxá in Ásum

Iceland River habitat recovered by decommissioning of the power plant 

Royals and others less known have enjoyed fishing in Laxá in Ásum for years. In 2017 the river management will be radically revised as the power plant is being decommissioned. The power plant has diverted majority of the water in the upper half of the river since 1932. According to Páll Árni Jónsson, chairman of the Laxá in Ásum river consortium, the decommissioning means triple water volumes in the upper half of the river.

For over eighty years most of the river water has been diverted through the power plant and back into the river 7 km below the lake, but will now be brought back to its natural riverbed the entire way from lake Laxárvatn. After the decommissioning the river will flow undisturbed for the full 15 km of the river instead of only the previous lower 8 km. Additionally the estuary is another 3km, bringing the total fishable water to 18km. The decommissioning of the power plant means more fishable pools with ample water along full length of the river. Natural habitat will be recovered in the upper half of the river resulting in increased parr production. This means even larger runs of salmon can be expected for the years to come.” said Páll.

New pools appear 

In the last years two separate areas have been fished, the estuary as well as the main river. As of the 2017 fishing season the two areas will be merged and fished with 4 rods – same number of rods as were fished prior to the power plant installation in 1932. ,,Laxá in Ásum is one of the best salmon river in Iceland. During the last few years the river consortium has emphasized stepping up the service level at the river and intends to be more involved for years to come. The objective is twofold: To make Ásum a premium river in regards to fishing quality, service as well as lodging facilities – and to ensure successful future of sustainable salmon stock of the river “ said Páll.

In the last years 80% of the salmon caught has been released back to the river. The fishing season opens June 20th and for years the river has been the most productive of any salmon river in Iceland. A total of 1.795 salmon were caught in 2015, an impressive average of 10 salmon per rod for the entire season.

5 star Lodge 

The current river lease expires after the 2016 fishing season after 5 years of successful co-operation with Salmon Tails. In light of the changes ahead the Laxá in Ásum fishing consortium decided to join forces with Sturla Birgisson, master chef and avid angler, on the river management for 2017-2021. The agreement entails that Sturla will manage and market the salmon fishing and oversee the 5 star lodge at the river. The lodge was built in 2012 and will be extended and further improved prior to the 2017 season to ensure 5 star accommodation and service at the river.

We are very lucky get Sturla to join forces with us as his experience will ensure top notch service and accommodation for all fishermen during the entire fishing season. The Bocus d’Or master chef will only serve Michelin star quality cuisine” said Páll.

Social responsibility: 

The Ásum salmon fishing has for years been incredibly productive. The river consortium emphasizes preserving the natural stock of the river by implementing gentle fishing policy. The river is easily accessible for fisherman as well as great schools of salmon. It is a perfect combination and for this reason the Ásum salmon fishing is considered one of the best in the world.